something new to show off our craftsmen’s skills. these shawls are very difficult to weave, particularly because we use such fine fibre.

top: a white shawl with pavement stripes and flowers woven in paprika red with a touch of charcoal, then embroidered in rich toning silk with lines of intricate flowers, paisley and toning lines which continue up the sides.

bottom: a rich red shawl with amber flowers and embroidery, with the same pavement stripes and embroidery but this time the embroidery continues up the sides and also as little flowers, into the body of the shawl.

as pompoms on the top: cream shawl with tiny flowers and stripes in yellows, amber and periwinkle blue, and a reversible shawl in soft orange and pale pink.

read our order page to find out more, or use the form on our contact page to order a brochure, send us an email or request a call-back.

woven jamawar

these are either woven with pattered borders or are woven with all-over patterns. both kinds of shawl have distinctive and ravishing stripy ends.

these stunning pieces are also known as ‘kani’ shawls, after the very fine cane needle employed in this form of weaving, which involves many colour changes and demands great skill, time and concentration.



something new to show off our craftsmen’s skills. these shawls are very difficult to weave, particularly because we use such fine fibre.

top: a white shawl with pavement stripes and flowers woven in paprika red with a touch of charcoal, then embroidered in rich toning silk with lines of intricate flowers, paisley and toning lines which continue up the sides.

bottom: a rich red shawl with amber flowers and embroidery, with the same pavement stripes and embroidery but this time the embroidery continues up the sides and also as little flowers, into the body of the shawl.

as pompoms on the top: cream shawl with tiny flowers and stripes in yellows, amber and periwinkle blue, and a reversible shawl in soft orange and pale pink.

read our order page to find out more, or use the form on our contact page to order a brochure, send us an email or request a call-back.

woven jamawar

these are either woven with pattered borders or are woven with all-over patterns. both kinds of shawl have distinctive and ravishing stripy ends.

these stunning pieces are also known as ‘kani’ shawls, after the very fine cane needle employed in this form of weaving, which involves many colour changes and demands great skill, time and concentration.